2016 Reading Challenge-I Need your Help!

R. B. Wood

Former technologist, world traveler, & storyteller.

library-reading-nook-1Well the holidays are over and here in Boston winter has fully shown it’s ice-encrusted face.  The submissions are due soon for the next Word Count podcast and I’m slowly getting back into writing.

With so many things going on, the one thing I have been slacking at is actually READING. So I’m going to be setting a goal of 150 books read in 2016.

But WHAT to read, dear sinners…this is where you come in.  In the comments (under the heading above there is an icon to add a comment) I’d love to hear your suggestions for what to read this year.  I love Dark fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction and Science Fact.  A good Mystery story never goes a miss, nor would a rip-roaring Action/Adventure tale. Haven’t read a lot of Romance (except for Jennifer Gracen and the Erotica of Eden Baylee among a select few others).

I am currently reading two books–Neal Stephenson‘s Sevenevesns and C. T.  Phipps‘ Games of Supervillainy.

So what else to read this year?  I’m waiting to hear from YOU!
