NaNoWriMo – Day 12

R. B. Wood

Former technologist, world traveler, & storyteller.

Starting Word Count: 25870

Good day of writing yesterday, but as they say ‘All good things must come to an end.”  Back to work today, but I wanted to share one of my difficulties with NaNo–I’m a self-editor.  I admit it.

Either me adding a plot point or a Ford assembly line with a worker attaching a gas tank, circa 1923. (Photo by Fotosearch/Getty Images)

Nano is only successful when you plow throw the word count (okay only successful for ME I guess)–like the old Henry Ford Assembly line–“Keep it moving and we’ll fix it at the end.” I have a habit of correcting as I go which takes me out of the flow of the scene I see playing in my head like a movie–can be frustrating at times.

Which is why I’ve liked to do NanNo every year since I discovered it existed.  The challenge is there to meet a certain word count while working full time and having the normal responsibilities of adulthood to attend to.  I HAVE to continue to write without looking back to win.  And I’m just competitive enough so that works for me.

Now that I have hit the half way mark, I know I’ve got this year’s win in the bag.

By The Way- Comments are finally fixed.  I find them sexy, please leave one. 🙂