NaNoWriMo – Day 14

R. B. Wood

Former technologist, world traveler, & storyteller.

Starting Word Count: 27351


I started to write last night.  I’m moving through the second act and was looking forward to starting the third act this maybe this weekend.

Then Paris happened.

Things are still unfolding as I write this, but what’s clear is this is the most devastating attack in France since WW II.

While we watch again as horror and terror rule our news outlets, I want to share with you a little story. Book two of the Arcana Chronicles was originally entitled The Young Practitioner. The second act of the book took place during the Boston Marathon.  It was a series of scenes of my main characters looking for a terrorist for the length of the race.  I’d actually finished the book and was readying it to send to beta readers.

That was in April of 2013. Then the bombings happened.

I live in Boston and remember that day and will for the rest of my life.  It stopped book two and it stopped my writing for nearly two years.

What happened in Paris tonight is devastating.  And terrible.  And I want to scream at the heavens at the injustice of it all. I’ve just heard commentary about the ” damn Islamists.”  That’s like blaming all of Christianity for what the KKK gets up to.

I know….I’m rambling.  Sorry.

I think one of the reasons I write is to escape from the incredibly messed up world around us.  Say a prayer, light a candle, send out a white light.

Tonight, Paris needs all the good we can give.