Off Topic Post-Labor Day



happy-labor-dayToday is Labor Day in the U. S.

Not only a celebration of the average worker, usually this first Monday in September signifies the end of summer. Today is for cookouts, family, and general out door party activities.

It also signals the start of the American football season. But that’s another post.

But since it’s “Labor Day,” I find myself thinking about the current job market. Not just in the U. S., but in other countries as well.

This is probably because my own job situation has been spotty for the past eight months—part time contracts and pickup work. I think that’s going to change shortly, but I’ll update you on that when things progress.

I wrote in my last posting that I love to work, and when I’m working, my writing goes well.

But today I’m thinking about all the folks around the world who want to work and haven’t been able to find a job. There is nothing more frustrating than being willing and able to do a job—but not being able to find one.

The unemployment rate here is still 9.1%, which is high, especially when you consider this doesn’t take into account those whose unemployment benefits have expired, or this who have just given up looking.

And it certainly doesn’t take into account the estimated 19.8% of the “under employed” in the country.

I have opinions—really strong opinions– on how to get our country working again. Start manufacturing our own things again, for one. Replace the jackwagons in Congress with people and not a bunch of spoiled millionaires for another.

But I digress.

My point is, while we are enjoying this last day of summer, have a think about people less fortunate. Consider how we got here and how we will have to change to provide our children with a chance to succeed.

The definition of insanity is doing the same exact thing and expecting different results. So let’s have a beer, a burger and celebrate the working woman and man today.

Then let’s figure out how to get them ALL back into game.
