I’m getting SO excited!
The Prodigal’s Foole comes out (as of this writing) in only SEVENTEEN DAYS!
In celebration for the release of my first novel, beginning this weekend I’ll be kicking-off the “Magical Mystery Blog Tour!”
Beginning on the 15th of October, I’ll be wandering around various websites of fellow authors and friends. They’ll be interviews, pre-release riews of the book, vLogs, Blogs and all sorts of fun activities. I hope you’ll wander the internet with me as this vitual tour commenses!
Week One Look ahead:
15-Oct Lakisha Spletzer http://innermuse.kishazworld.com — vlog
16-Oct Lakisha Spletzer-Part 2 http://indieauthor-howto.blogspot.com — Guest Character post
17-Oct Monica Marier http://monicamarier.blogspot.com/ — Interview/review
19-Oct Suzy Turner http://suzyturner.blogspot.com — Interview and excerpt
21-Oct Shay Fabbro http://shayfabbro.com — Interview
Thanks to all who are participating!
In the meantime, in case you missed it, here is the trailer for The Prodigal’s Foole: