Well, The Magical Mystery Blog tour has officially ended! What a wonderful ride…enjoyed visiting virtually with so many friends, colleagues and fellow writers!
I wanted to take a moment to thank all those who participated—both posters and readers. I feel the debut of my first novel, The Prodigal’s Foole has gone very well so far and that’s due in part to all of you!
Thank you all so much!
Below, find a list of the participants, their twitter handles and links to their websites. I hope you will continue to visit with them for wit, wonder and marvelous writing.
2011 Magical Mystery Blog Tour (The Prodigal’s Foole) | ||
Who | Where | |
Lakisha Spletzer | @kishazworld | http://innermuse.kishazworld.com |
Monica Marier | @lil_monmon | http://monicamarier.blogspot.com/ |
Suzy Turner | @suzy_turner | http://suzyturner.blogspot.com |
Bill Kirton | @carver22 | http://livingwritingandotherstuff.blogspot.com/ |
Christopher Blanchard | @BlanchardAuthor | http://christopher-blanchard.blogspot.com/ |
Steve Umstead | @steveumstead | http://steveumstead.com/ |
LM Stull | @lmstull | http://lmstull.com/ |
Eden Baylee | @edenbaylee | http://www.edenbaylee.com/ |
Leah Petersen | @leahpetersen | www.leahpeteresen.com |
Emmett Spain | @oldhauntsauthor | http://alondoncityblog.blogspot.com/ |
Al Boudreau | @threecifer | http://alboudreau.wordpress.com/ |
Mercedes M. Yardley | @mercedesmy | http://www.abrokenlaptop.com |
Sessha Batto | @SesshaBatto | http://authorsonshow.com/sessha-2/ |
K. Victoria Smith | @KVictoriaSmith | http://kvictoriasmith.blogspot.com/ |
Matthew Munson | @mnwjm1981 | http://vikingbay.blogspot.com/ |
Patti Larsen | @PattiLarsen | http://pattilarsen.blogspot.com/ |
Jonathan Gould | @jonno_go | http://daglit.blogspot.com/ |
JD Robinson | @Sachula | http://www.jdwrites.com/ |