Submissions for the next WORD COUNT PODCAST are now OPEN!



GhostThe Word Count Podcast Episode 24.

Ah…now we are back to the creepy themes that seem to be a staple here at The Word Count. As a Dark Urban Fantasy writer, I say “Good on ya!”

Without further waffling, the theme for the next show is:


“The urn you picked up in a garage sale still contains ashes…”


 Submission guidelines below. I expect stories that will keep me awake at night!


Submission Guidelines (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

PROMPT: “The urn you picked up in a garage sale still contains ashes…”


DEADLINE: I must receive your submission by MIDNIGHT (Eastern Time) Friday 23th March 2012

THE DETAILS: The work must be an original of yours. It could be a poem, short story, song—anything really as long as you write something based on the stated theme (“The urn you picked up in a garage sale still contains ashes…”) Do NOT exceed ten minutes. As this is a podcast, I need to receive a file of YOU, a friend or multiple friends reading (singing or otherwise performing) your work. MP3 FORMAT ONLY, and please attach your MP3 file to an e-mail. The e-mail should also contain the following:

  • Your pen name
  • Your latest bio
  • Links to your websites
  • Your Twitter name (if you have one)
  • A photo I can use for the show notes
  • Permission to use your recording in the podcast

At the end of the recording, please add the following: “The is <YOUR NAME> author of <YOUR WORK(s)> and you’re listening to The Word Count Podcast

Send your file to by Friday the 23rd of March. You can also e-mail me with questions before hand. I do reserve the right NOT to post your submission, but will communicate that to you should it be the case. I add the ‘Explicit’ tag to the ‘cast, so if your story uses adult themes or language that’s ok—but it should be necessary for the story.

Get writing and recording!