Picking out the panels and things I want to do at ReaderCON is a bit like a good war plan. As soon as the action starts, the plan is out the window.
The Thursday evening program is free to the public and usually I take the opportunity to listen to a few readings. But this year there are two panels that have caught my eye.
Namely The Absent Children of Urban Fantasy (led by the rather talented Shira Lipkin—someone, after reading a few of her short stories, I’m looking forward to meeting), and The Nuances of POV (led by James Patrick Kelly whose Strangeways mag is worth a read).
But, after a long day consulting, I’ll probably show up at the pub (assuming it’s open as construction has been threatened) run into a friend or two and end up ‘pinting the night away.’
Pinting. I just made that up. It’s royalty free, ladies and germs.
I love this conference—and I love how this weekend inspires writing for months to follow. That’s the plan anyway.
More to follow.
Peace, love and hair grease.