SNIK! Just like that it’s time for another poll to choose the next Word Count Podcast prompt, bub!
Forgive me. I recently saw Wolverine.
We are up to episode 33 for the Word Count, for those of you keeping score at home.
I’ve setup up a poll off to the left with a choice of FIVE choices. You know the drill—vote for your favorite by making a selection and clicking on the “vote” button. Remember to check the results to confirm your vote counted– as sometimes the interwebs are as touchy as a clown with foot fungus.
WAIT. You don’t KNOW what the Word Count Podcast is? Well, read ON dear sinner!
What is The Word Count Podcast?
It is a free broadcast by writers for writers. Simply put, a theme for each show is announced via this site, Twitter and Facebook and writers are given a week or two to write AND RECORD their stories based on said theme.
Why not, says I. It’s a great way to practice writing and public speaking. It’s another way for writers to get their work “out there.” And I love to meet fellow authors and have a blast putting the show together. It’s just that simple. Now for the voting!
Again, to the LEFT, I’ve posted five potential prompts for the next Word Count. The poll will remain open for the weekend, and close out midnight the 3rd of August 2013. I think there are a few good ones to choose from…so vote often an early and get your friends to help YOU pick the theme for the next Word Count!
The Word Count Irregulars await your pleasure.