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I was recently trolling on fellow author/friend sites and came across an Author’s Survey of sorts over at Alex Kimmell’s site. A survey which he in turn had swiped from Jeff Tsuruoka ‘s blog so I figure swiping is a good thing in this instance.
At least that’s how I sold it to myself.
Once I get around to redesigning my site, I’ll add a section for these marvelous writer blogs o follow religiously. But until then, here is the survey with my own answers from ‘A’ to ‘Z.’
Author(s) You’ve Read the Most Books Of:
Tom Clancy and Clive Cussler on the ‘adventure’ side of the house. Neil Gaiman, Jim Butcher and Anne Rice in the ‘Dark Fantasy’ corner. In the creepy attic called horror, Stephen King and (continuing the metaphor) in the high-tech kitchen of Sci FI, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov and H.G. Wells.
Best Sequel Ever:
2061 from Arthur C. Clarke just made me a happy camper.
Currently Reading:
Twisted Vengeance: A Supernatural Thriller by Jeff Bennington and a book I won’t mention as it has to do with research for a future installment of my series.
Drink of Choice While Reading:
During the morning, coffee. In the afternoon, tea. In the evening/night either ale or Jack Daniel’s.
E-Reader or Physical Book:
I read using my Kindle app for my iPad mini most of the time. When I can curl up with a physical book, I will. But I find the portable library concept highly convenient as my wife and I own a very small house.
Glad You Gave This Book a Chance:
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – All three books in the series are marvelous. Too bad Larsson died too soon…
Hidden Gem Book:
The Evan Gabriel Trilogy by Steve Umstead. I know the question stated ‘book’ meaning singular, but I thoroughly enjoyed this trilogy and I probably would never had picked it up had I not made the authors acquaintance a couple years ago. He’s a good man, and his writing is superb.
Important Moment in Your Reading Life:
Finishing the seventh book in the Harry Potter series and asking myself “Muggles can’t really be THAT stupid, can they?” It’s where The Arcana Chronicles were born.
Just Finished:
Godspeed by February Grace and Inferno by Dan Brown
Kind of Books You Won’t Read:
There is nothing I won’t try once. Twice, if I like it.
Longest Book You’ve Ever Read:
War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk
Major Book Hangover Because Of:
IT by Stephen King. Mr. King, I love you to pieces but you scare the living crap out of me sometimes. Well done, sir.
Number of Bookcases You Own:
Seven, and they are all triple filled. Thus my acceptance of the iPad/Kindle combo.
One Book You’ve Read Multiple Times:
War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien
Preferred Place to Read:
On the patio that I built with a nice Newcastle and my wife during the nicer months, in front of the fire during winter.
Quote That Inspires You:
“Ni.” Makes me laugh every damn time. And No matter what the situation, if I laugh I can get through it.
Reading Regret:
Twilight. Sorry, fan girls and boys. It’s just boring.
Series You Started and Need to Finish:
The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Of course, he has to write the last few books first…
Three of Your All-Time Favorite Books:
War of the Worlds – H. G. Wells
Sandman – Neil Gaiman
2001 – Arthur C. Clarke
Unapologetic Fanboy For:
Jim Butcher and Clive Cussler.
Very Excited for This Release Over All Others:
Honestly? House of Hades by Rick Riordan coming in a month. 🙂
Worst Bookish Habit:
I fold over pages to mark my place. I’ve even been given a hand designed bookmark by D. Savannah George. Yet I keep folding…
X Marks the Spot – Stop at the Top Left of Your Shelf & Pick the 27th Book:
Really? The 25th would have been cool. So, the 27th:
Schulz and Peanuts: A Biography which is a bit cool I guess, but I don’t like Michaelis’ writing style.
Your Latest Book Purchase:
Out of the Deep: Stories of the Supernatural by Dennis Hamley
Zzzzzzz…. The Last Book That Kept You Up Way Too Late:
Cold Days by Jim Butcher. We get up at 4:30 AM every day…It takes something quite amazing for me to lose a night’s sleep. 🙂