The Magical Mystery Blog Tour – 29 October

LisaStullThe heat is ON!

The Magical Mystery Blog Tour picks up a full head of steam starting with a post at L.M STULL‘s site (a letter from Symon Bryson – the protagonist of The Prodigal’s Foole)

We’ll be going around the world for the next week so make sure you stay tuned as the launch date for the first novel of The Arcana Chronicles launches in just TWO DAYS!!

The tour bus stops in Canada tomorrow with author EDEN BAYLEE who reviews TPF and posts an interview with yours truely, and on Launch day we spend time with LEAH PETERSEN for the first of three blog stops (one of which includes my return stint as a judge for #5MINUTEFICTION on Tuesday).  The bus continues on to a lovely spot ‘down under’ with Aussie author EMMETT SPAIN (a fellow Urban Fantasy writer) then spends time traversing the United States with thriller author, AL BOUDREAU, SFWA writer and poet MERCEDES M. YARDLEY and the lovely and talented writer and artist, SESSHA BATTO.

On MONDAY 31 OCTOBER (Launh day!!) I’ll be holding an internet-based “eLaunch” where I will be asking all my friends on Facebook, Twitter and around the net to help me get the word out about The Prodigal’s Foole.  On twitter, we’ll be using the hash-tag #TheProdigalsFoole as much as possible, Facebook will have links and stories, and of course the 2nd Annual HALLOWEEN PODCAST for the Word Count will be released which will include a reading from the book!

Crazy week ahead…so please head over to L.M. STULL’s site today to kick it all off!  Click HERE:’s-foole-a-letter-from-symon-bryson/

And as always, my thanks to my followers, readers and fans for all your support!


The Magical Mystery Blog Tour – 27 October

Steve_and_meWhat a wonderful way to wake up this morning!

There is nothing more satisfying than receiving a fantastic review from a writer you respect.  In this case, The marvelous Sci-Fi author STEVE UMSTEAD has posted his 5 star review of The Prodigal’s Foole!

Head over to his reviw page to read it.  These are the days, as a writer, that make the toil and effort all worth it.


Here is the link:


The Magical Mystery Blog Tour – 25 October

Chris_ObamaThe Magical Mystery Blog Tour continues today with an interview over on “I Must Be Remembering the Future” with fantasy author Christopher Blanchard!  Head on over for a read, and a few links to where The Prodigal’s Foole can be purchased…

And a reminder I’m still accepting submissions to the Second Annual Halloween podcast.  For guidelines and details click over to THIS LINK


Thanks Chris!  His site is HERE:

The Magical Mystery Blog Tour – 23 October

bill_KirtonThe Magical Mystery Tour bus has traversed the Atlantic Ocean to stop in the UK with voice-over artist, wonderful friend and fellow Pfoxpub author, Bill Kirton!

Head over to his blog, “Living, writing and other stuff” to see why social media is a double-edged sword for me. And While there, check out some of Bill’s wonderful books such as The Sparrow Conundrum, The Figurehead and the very recently released Shadow Selves (the fourth novel in his Jack Carston series).

Here’s the link and enjoy!


The next stop on The Magical Mystery Blog Tour bus – 21 October

Release day approaches!!shay

Only TEN more days until The Prodigal’s Foole is officially released.

I have 25 copies of the book that arrived a couple of days ago. I still can’t believe launch as almost here.

With Ten days left, the next stop on the Magical Mystery Blog Tour bus is with the amazingly talented SHAY FABBRO and her site “The Immortal Words of Dr. Fab

Enjoy the interview!


Head here:

Another review for The Prodigal’s Foole

JDRobinsonWell, isn’t this nice!

Fellow Urban Fantasy author J.D. Robinson has posted her pre-release favorable  review of The Prodigal’s Foole!  She’ll be joining me in November for a very special event as a part of the Magical Mystery Tour–a Google+ Hosted reading of a bit of the book.  Head over to her site, J. D. Writes, to read the review and RSVP to the G+ event as spaces are limited.

Thanks J.D!

Read and RSVP:

Look ahead-The Magical Mystery Blog Tour Week One!

I’m getting SO excited!

The Prodigal’s Foole comes out (as of this writing) in only SEVENTEEN DAYS!

In celebration for the release of my first novel, beginning this weekend I’ll be kicking-off the “Magical Mystery Blog Tour!”

Beginning on the 15th of October, I’ll be wandering around various websites of fellow authors and friends.  They’ll be interviews, pre-release riews of the book, vLogs, Blogs and all sorts of fun activities.  I hope you’ll wander the internet with me as this vitual tour commenses!

Week One Look ahead:

15-Oct  Lakisha Spletzer — vlog

16-Oct Lakisha Spletzer-Part 2 — Guest Character post

17-Oct Monica Marier — Interview/review

19-Oct Suzy Turner — Interview and excerpt

21-Oct Shay Fabbro — Interview

Thanks to all who are participating!

In the meantime, in case you missed it, here is the trailer for The Prodigal’s Foole:





Submissions for the Second Annual HALLOWEEN SPECIAL-The Word Count Podcast

six_spooky_pumpkins_1538It’s time, fellow ghouls, ghosties and unspeakable beasties!

Yes, submissions are now open for 


We’ll leave submissions open for longer this time as I’m looking for a lucky THIRTEEN Submissions for this most scary of holidays!

Recordings are due to me be FRIDAY EVENING, MIDNIGHT EASTERN, October 28th

That’s three days before Halloween and the launch of my first novel, The Prodigal’s Foole.

In celebration of the holiday AND the launch, here are the guidelines:


Submission Guidelines (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

PROMPT: Halloween (Monster story, Ghost Story, Scary story – Your Choice!).  Must use any or all of the following words somewhere in the story: “Prodigal,” “Foole,” “Arcana,” and/or “Chronicles.”


DEADLINE: I must receive your submission by MIDNIGHT (Eastern Time) Friday 28th October 2011

THE DETAILS:The work must be an original of yours. It could be a poem, short story, song—anything really as long as you write something based on the stated theme (Halloween (Monster story, Ghost Story, Scary story – Your Choice!).  Must use any or all of the following words somewhere in the story: “Prodigal,” “Foole,” “Arcana,” and/or “Chronicles.”).  Do NOT exceed ten minutes.  As this is a podcast, I need to receive a file of YOU, a friend or multiple friends reading (singing or otherwise performing) your work. MP3 FORMAT, please attach your MP3 file to an e-mail. The e-mail should also contain the following:

  • Your pen name
  • Your bio
  • Links to your websites
  • Your Twitter name (if you have one)
  • A photo I can use for the show notes
  • Permission to use your recording in the podcast
  • At the end of the recording, please add the following: “The is <YOUR NAME> author of <YOUR WORK(s)> and you’re listing to The Word Count Podcast HALLOWEEN SPECIAL”

Send your file to by Friday the 28th of October. You can also e-mail me with questions before hand. I do reserve the right NOT to post your submission, but will communicate that to you should it be the case. I add the ‘Explicit’ tag to the ‘cast, so if your story uses adult themes or language that’s ok—but it should be necessary for the story.
