NaNoWriMo 2016 – Day 7


Starting Word Count: 12004

One week almost in the books.

Four Chapters into TEC.  As i mentioned before, I’ve had bits of this book written for a while. And 40k words, in fact. But they were words all over the place–cool scenes i had in the back of my head. Character development stuff–things like that.

Now I’m plowing through my updated Outline.

I remember when I showed Glenn Skinner and M. J. King My initial outline in July, They enjoyed it–loved the scenes. But…

But Glenn worried there wasn’t a true ‘journey’ for the main character–Symon Bryson.

“What is he going to learn? How is he going to grow?”

And he was right.  So I revamped the outline to also show Symon’s progression…which you will hopefully read for yourself in 2017.

I’ve always planned on Symon growing as a character as my writing skills improved. I thought that would be a very natural path. In the first book, he is angry, scared and a little “woe is me.” In this book, he is isolated and making some core discoveries about the world of magic. It’s why I never went into detail about the magic system in TPF. Symon was taught something that he always assumed was correct. And it served him well. In book two, you learn the true nature of magic in my world–where it comes from, how it works and it’s links to both the ancient and modern world.

So a shout out to M.J. and Glenn…who made me reconsider a few major points. Symon’s journey is back on track.

Oh. I promised you-all a snippet of the work yesterday, didn’t I? Well here you go:

The sanctuary was in near darkness this late at night. A few candles still shimmered where thoughts of loved ones had brought in the prayers faithful earlier in the day. When I was a student here, I never liked to be alone in this massive, perpetually chilly space. I always felt uneasy here–although I could never exactly tell you why.

My footsteps echoed loudly as I made my way toward the exit. I’d almost made it to the naive when an old, croaky male voice that gave me the impression of dust and cobwebs said, “You are in an awful hurry young man…”

I shivered. From the cold sanctuary air. Honest. You’ll have to trust me on that score…


Hope you enjoyed that. Some editing is needed, obviously–but that is what December is for.



NaNoWriMo 2016 – Day 6


Starting Word Count: 9602

Back on track to start the day. This post is a little later than expected as Sundays are volunteer day and I treated myself to a four mile walk/hobble whilst re-listening to Turn Coat by Jim Butcher read by James Marsters. The temperature is projected to drop like a stone by the end of the week here in Boston (mid 30’s F for a high–that’s about 2ish for you Centigrade heathens), so I thought I’d get some exercise in while I still can.

Wrote the intro to one of three characters I’m introducing in this book. The Empress, of course, is the first. The entertaining vagrant “Mal,” and a third character I will leave to your imagination:

“Mr. Bryson, Monsignor Moore has determined that the children you rescued earlier this year have been touched by the Devil himself, and that influence must be purged. That is why I am here.”

Still attempting to be at 14 k by this evening–with a late start and a lot of physical activity this morning, I have no idea how long my still-recovering brain will last.

To the keyboard, then. “Maximum Effort” and all that.



NaNoWriMo 2016 – Day 5


Starting Word Count: 7177

Yep. That number is still the same from yesterday. You can’t see it, but I’m smiling about that.

Allow me to explain.

Along with the often stalled, often reworked Book 2 of the Arcana Chronicles, I’ve been doing a lot of other writing work.  I have published a couple short stories recently (in R. l. Weeks’ Once Upon a Cursed Time and J. L. Clayton’s The Unforgiven). I have two more that are set to be published–Christmas Nightmares and the Wicked Ink Books follow-up to Tick TockThis last anthology will come out in 2017 and my story for that one was reviewed by a few professional editors. It was both shocking and wonderful to receive such excellent feedback.  I wanted to get those edits done by the weekend and worked until last night to get them out.

The story is much tighter. I can’t thank Kristi, Rebecca and Corinne enough for their commentary! More on this when the PR folks at WIB allow.


I also spent time working through author Emmett Spain’s comments on our steampunk/fantasy project.  We had a Skype chat last night that was just amazing for it’s creativity–the call left us both scrambling for our respective whiteboards/chalkboards. The bottom line is that we have a good structure now, a killer direction and the most amazing first scene.

So, all right.  No words were put to the novel yesterday. But it was an amazing writer day none-the-less.

To atone for my lack of #NaNoWriMo progress, I will be attempting to double-down this weekend and clear Sunday with 14k words toward the novel. Wish me luck!



NaNoWriMo 2016 -Day 4


Starting Word Count: 7177

Only four days in and I’m feeling the cognitive “burn.” Slept 10 hours last night…woke up exhausted. Coffee is on and I’m ready to tackle chapter four. Notes are solid and I’m targeting 10k by the end of the day.

A  sample of yesterday’s work:

   “Remember that Vatican assigned attorney you had a few months ago when the FBI was sniffing around the whole Plum Island thing?”

            I nodded, running my hand over two days of beard growth. “Yeah. Father Moore. What a wanker.”

            “It’s Monsignor Wanker now,” said [sic] sotto voce. Found this all out last night when he showed up with a exorcist.”

Still need to work on edits for the short story project and notes on the novella. Busy day. Gonna shut off the WiFi in the Lair to minimize distractions–that means I’m listening to CDs instead of Spotify. How retro.

Ah…legwarmers, big hair, and the Golden Age of Spielberg films…


To all who are doing #nanowrimo this year–rock on!



NaNoWriMo 2016 -Day 3


Starting Word Count: 4731

The energy of the first week is so amazing. The support, the excitement, the fresh story ideas…it’s electric.

Like this, but without the fully armed and operational battle station...
Like this, but without the fully armed and operational battle station…

Need to keep that energy through to the end. Today is chapter three and I’m ready. Notes and ideas litter the Literary Lair…coffee is on, the Cubs won the World Series and I voted yesterday.

Time to focus on words.


NaNoWriMo 2016 -Day 2


Starting word count: 2284

In fairness, my book this year is based on a heavily modified, heavily revised outline for book two of the Arcana Chronicles. The book is called The Empress’ Curse and takes place three months after the end of The Prodigal’s Foole. Those of you who have been following me know this wasn’t the original book 2 of the series. The original book two had a large and important scene that had taken place during the Boston Marathon. I’d just finished that scene when the actual bombings at the marathon had taken place.

It took the wind from my sails for a long time. I tried to rework the novel numerous time after that, but my heart hadn’t been into it.

So this past summer, I outlined a completely different book 2. I have a mess of scenes already sketched out, but the narrative is disjointed.

Nano this year is dedicated to getting a cogent first drive under my belt. Symon Bryson’s return is way overdue.




NaNoWriMo 2016 -Day 1


Starting Word Count: 0

So last year, I started to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) only to be cut off at the half way point by…well, you can read about it here  if you want.

I’ve signed up again in 2016 because–by the power of Greystoke–I will finish.

It’s a bit of insanity I need right now…and I need to finally put the last year behind me. Tomorrow, I’ll talk about the plans for the month. Too excited this morning to get started.



The Word Count Podcast SIXTH Halloween Special is Open for Submissions!

Me, trying and failing to shut off the alarm: “Hngh. What day is it?”
Very Patient Wife: “Sunday.”
Me: “Whew. I can relax! And it’s still only September!”
VPW: It’s October.”
Me “What?”
Me: “HOLY CRAP!! I have to post the Halloween Theme for the Word Count Podcast!”


It is my FAVORITE time of year, kids!

Fall in New England is stunningly beautiful.

Fall in New England with a holiday that celebrates ghoulies, ghosties, beasties, death and candy is priceless!

And what is Fall and Halloween without a #WordCountPodcast Halloween Special?

This time around, the theme is “TWISTED.

What do I mean? I mean I want a brilliant story with a surprise, twisted and dark ending that makes you go WOW. Think Twilight Zone. But without the censor limitations of the Television board.

And better special effects.

I can almost see the #WordCountIrregulars scrambling for their keyboards, pens and microphones!

Anyone can become a #WordCountIrregular! Just write and record a story for the show based on the prompt and follow the guidelines below. The Halloween Special is a great time to hop on board as these shows tend to get the most downloads!

It’s my distinct honor to run the #WordCountPodcast and I want to send a heartfelt “Cheers!” to the fans that have followed us for so many years.

Without you, there would be no podcast.

To start listening for FREE go to either my Libsyn Page or to iTunes:



There are Sixty shows available right now!



Submission Guidelines (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

GENRE: Any, but make it dark. If you write about sparkly Vampires, I love you, but go away.

DEADLINE: I must receive your submission by FRIDAY 21 OCTOBER 2016 at MIDNIGHT Eastern time.

THE DETAILS: The work must be an original work with a twisted ending.


Do NOT exceed SEVEN minutes.

As this is a podcast, I need to receive a file of YOU, a friend or multiple friends reading (singing or otherwise performing) your work. MP3 FORMAT ONLY, and please attach your MP3 file to an e-mail or contact me for a Dropbox link.

Your submission MUST also contain the following:

  • Your pen name
  • Your latest bio
  • Links to your website(s) – Include your personal site, Facebook Fanpage etc.
  • Your Twitter handle
  • A photo of you I can use for the show notes
  • At the end of your recording, please add “This is <state your name> author of <state your work(s)> and you’re listening to The Word Count Podcast sixth Halloween Special.”
  • Permission to use your recording in the podcast.

Send your file to (or via the dropbox link I can provide) by 21 OCTOBER 2016. You can also e-mail me with questions beforehand. I do reserve the right NOT to post your submission, but will communicate that to you should it be the case. I add the ‘Explicit’ tag to the ‘cast, so if your story uses adult themes or language that’s ok—but it should be necessary for the story.

Get writing and recording!


Arcana Chronicles Book Two- Title and Cover reveal!

Yesterday, during the release party for the anthology I’m excited to be a part of–Once Upon a Cursed Time— I released the title and the cover for Book 2 of my Arcana Chronicles series.

Yes, Symon Bryson is coming back for more mischief and mayhem!

Working hard toward an early 2017 release, but without further ado, Book 2 will be called “The Empress’ Curse


Once again, Kip Ayers returns to apply his artistry toward the cover. Isn’t it awesome?

More soon!

RELEASE DAY! Once Upon a Cursed Time

anthologyc10It’s always SO exciting when release day finally arrives!

Not a new novel, although that’s coming. A new anthology called “Once Upon a Cursed Time” is out on Amazon today. Editor and fellow Writer R. L. Weeks invited me to join in on the fun and the result is 14 tales including my story “Ink Washed Cat.” There is nothing like a possessed child’s drawing to get the blood flowing…

14 Stories of twisted fairy tales away your reading pleasure. Reviews are already coming in and they are superb. The Paperback version will be out shortly as well.


There is an online Facebook Event all weekend long to celebrate the release. I’m taking over at 2PM Eastern time, so JOIN ME if you can!

Pickup Once Upon a Cursed Time TODAY!


Episode SIXTY of the #WordCountPodcast is now open for submissions!

Holy crap, it’s September already!  And that means we are about to celebrate the 6th anniversary of the #WordCountPodcast!


Six years. Sixty shows…well, nearly.

But we all know nearly isn’t good enough, so let’s open up submissions for episode sixty!

But you’ll need a prompt, won’t you?

Well.  How about:

KEY, CHARMING, and COMPUTER. I totally pulled that out of my are. Let’s run with it!

I have all the faith in the world that participating authors in the show–those intrepid adventurers I call the #WordCountIrregulars-will make some magic for us.

And anyone can become a #WordCountIrregular. Just write and record a story for the show based on the prompt and follow the guidelines below.

It’s my distinct honor to run this show and I want to send a heartfelt “Cheers!” to the fans that have followed us for so many years.

Without you, there would be no podcast.

To start listening for FREE go to either my Libsyn Page or to iTunes:



There are Fifty Nine shows available right now!




Submission Guidelines (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)


DEADLINE: I must receive your submission by Friday 16 September 2016 by MIDNIGHT Eastern time.

THE DETAILS: The work must be an original story and contain ALL three words somewhere in your story.  The three words are, of course: KEY, CHARMING, and COMPUTER.

Do NOT exceed SEVEN minutes without speaking to me first!

As this is a podcast, I need to receive a file of YOU, a friend or multiple friends reading (singing or otherwise performing) your work. MP3 FORMAT ONLY, and please attach your MP3 file to an e-mail or contact me for a Dropbox link.

Your submission MUST also contain the following:

  • Your pen name
  • Your latest bio (DO NOT ASSUME I HAVE YOUR LATEST)
  • Links to your website(s) – Include your personal site, Facebook Fanpage etc.
  • Your Twitter handle (if you have one)
  • A photo of you I can use for the show notes
  • At the end of your recording, please add “This is <state your name> author of <state your work(s)> and you’re listening to The Word Count Podcast”
  • Permission to use your recording in the podcast.
  • PLEASE Make sure you have included ALL ARTIFACTS I have asked for. Do not assume I can “Get your picture from the internet” or can “Pull your bio from your web page.”

Send your file to (or via the dropbox link I can provide) by Friday 16 September 2016 . You can also e-mail me with questions beforehand. I do reserve the right NOT to post your submission, but will communicate that to you should it be the case. I add the ‘Explicit’ tag to the ‘cast, so if your story uses adult themes or language that’s ok—but it should be necessary for the story.


The #WordCountPodcast Episode 59 is now OPEN for Submissions!

After episode 58 last month, Stephen Hunt wrote an article for the Nassau Tribune that featured, among other podcasts, our little little story-telling show.

(EDITED: Now Stephen has posted the article on his blog and it’s a bit easier to read)

How cool is that?


Overall, he liked the show, barring a few sound-related issues with one story, which of course was more my issue.

But the bulk of the article focused on what we focus on. Namely telling a short story based on a prompt for the enjoyment of our listeners.

And I believe the #WordCountIrregulars do just that.

It’s my distinct honor to run this show and I want to send a heartfelt “Cheers!” to the fans that have followed us for so many years.

Without you, there would be no podcast.

Okay, then.  Before I begin to weep uncontrollably, let’s get to the links to hear the podcast and see the prompt for Episode 59, shall we?

To start listening go to either my Libsyn Page or to iTunes:



There are Fifty Eight shows available right now!



We shall return to our “Three Word Format” this week:


Submission Guidelines (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY as they have recently CHANGED)


DEADLINE: I must receive your submission by Friday 19 AUGUST 2016 by MIDNIGHT Eastern time.

THE DETAILS: The work must be an original story and contain ALL three words somewhere in your story.  The three words are, of course NEWSPAPER, CIGARETTE, and SCOTCH.

Do NOT exceed SEVEN minutes.

As this is a podcast, I need to receive a file of YOU, a friend or multiple friends reading (singing or otherwise performing) your work. MP3 FORMAT ONLY, and please attach your MP3 file to an e-mail or contact me for a Dropbox link.

Your submission MUST also contain the following:

  • Your pen name
  • Your latest bio (DO NOT ASSUME I HAVE YOUR LATEST)
  • Links to your website(s) – Include your personal site, Facebook Fanpage etc.
  • Your Twitter handle (if you have one)
  • A photo of you I can use for the show notes
  • At the end of your recording, please add “This is <state your name> author of <state your work(s)> and you’re listening to The Word Count Podcast”
  • Permission to use your recording in the podcast.
  • PLEASE Make sure you have included ALL ARTIFACTS I have asked for. Do not assume I can “Get your picture from the internet” or can “Pull your bio from your web page.”

Send your file to (or via the dropbox link I can provide) by Friday 19 August 2016 . You can also e-mail me with questions beforehand. I do reserve the right NOT to post your submission, but will communicate that to you should it be the case. I add the ‘Explicit’ tag to the ‘cast, so if your story uses adult themes or language that’s ok—but it should be necessary for the story.
