Word Count: 54,014
Haven’t updated you all in a couple of days so I thought I’d post a quick few words. So the #NaNoWriMo goal I set for myself has been achieved. Over 50k words before the American Thanksgiving holiday. Interestingly enough, I’m only about 3/4 of the way through Act 2. The key will be making the habit of NaNo stick through to the end of Empress.
A few other things going on…Emmett and I are still going back and forth on Scoundrels and it’s an awesome thing. We are tossing ideas at each other and the story is nearly there. We expect to have it ready for an editor in December (It’ll be a 40k Steampunk/heist story Novella) so I’ll need to hit up the network to see if anyone has a bit of editing time near the Christmas holiday. After a week of self-doubt, I sent Ink Washed Cat (originally published this year in Once Upon a Cursed Time) in for jury consideration by the Horror Writer’s Association. Just taking the step to submit the story was huge; whether or not it goes beyond the consideration stage is another story entirely.
The as-of-yet-untitled ghost story hums along. It’ll be a short one–2,000 words or so. I’d like to have it ready for submission to Gamut when their window opens again December 1st, but we’ll see. I’ll get Richard to take on one of my stories yet!
A few months ago, I mentioned that Thanksgiving in the Park was accepted into an anthology coming out in early 2017 with Wicked Ink Books. I’ve just put the final edits in place for the publisher and at long last that story is locked.
What a nice sequel into Thanksgiving–my children arrived last night for the holiday. It’s the first time I’ve seen them both together since last years hospital stay…so I admit I became rather emotional when I saw them at Logan airport last night. We are all heading out to see Doctor Strange shortly so more in tomorrow’s holiday post.
PS Oh yeah. At 50k, I “won” Nano: