Starting Word Count: 7177
Only four days in and I’m feeling the cognitive “burn.” Slept 10 hours last night…woke up exhausted. Coffee is on and I’m ready to tackle chapter four. Notes are solid and I’m targeting 10k by the end of the day.
A sample of yesterday’s work:
“Remember that Vatican assigned attorney you had a few months ago when the FBI was sniffing around the whole Plum Island thing?”
I nodded, running my hand over two days of beard growth. “Yeah. Father Moore. What a wanker.”
“It’s Monsignor Wanker now,” said [sic] sotto voce. Found this all out last night when he showed up with a exorcist.”
Still need to work on edits for the short story project and notes on the novella. Busy day. Gonna shut off the WiFi in the Lair to minimize distractions–that means I’m listening to CDs instead of Spotify. How retro.

To all who are doing #nanowrimo this year–rock on!