Starting Word Count: 13791
It’s 5 in the morning in Boston on Election Day. Been trying to get an early start to my writing by reading what’s come before. But more doctors today–and one that I’m very nervous about. That, on top of the “election fatigue” I’ve been feeling lately has me wiped out.
While I sort my head out and wait for doctor’s comments and voter returns, I’ll give you a small snippet from yesterday’s work. Hope you enjoy it.
I did some work for the mob, back in Ireland. Circumstances necessitated my involvement with them–the soul of a friend was on the line. It’s a long story.
The relationship had been–I guess “profitable” is the best word–between The Monk and I. He made the money, I kept my pub and no one I knew got hurt.
It looked like he had a similar arrangement with this “Empress.” Gangsters and their bloody nicknames…