Starting Word Count: 5451
I’m a morning person. My favorite time to write is early in the AM—steaming cup of coffee in one hand and a keyboard in the other. Last evening I working through Chapter one and have the bones of chapter two completed. Over-all, I’m happy with where the story is heading–and was surprised at the evening output—especially when the day job tends to sap most of my energy. I’ll get to why in a moment.
If some asked me whether or not I’m a “Planner” vs a “Pantser” (Working off an outline verses flying by the seat of my pants), I would say I was a planner, with a caveat.
Some of my writer friends have seen how I outline. I use one of those large accounting notebooks, divide it up by time and color code key plot points. As I’m working on a series, I have to outline the stand alone story along with moving the over-arching series stories. It’s an interesting juggling act that I add an additional ball too by sprinkling in hints for future books.
But with that sort of planning, one would think that there is no room for creativity. Last night I proved that wrong again. Characters, when I’m really into the writing zone, will speak to me. Last night, a minor character that’s I’ve developed suggested a change in tact that not only made sense, but ratcheted up the tension quite a bit. This revelation is why, I think, I was able to add a significant number of words to my NaNoWriMo count. And that’s the caveat. Listening to the characters when they are speaking.
I looked at and tweaked my outline a bit this morning and will hit the keyboard again this evening. There is a long way to go…but I’m hopeful that this first draft continues along the path I’ve scripted.
I also hope the characters continue to voice objections when the path isn’t sound. Plan for the story, but plan to deviate when needed.

It’s nice to be writing every day again. Let’s see how the month ends up.