Release Day!





OK_CoverYou may have noticed the Website has a bit of an orange tinge to it.

Well, I mentioned a while back that I’d had a short story accepted as a part of an anthology.  But this book, out right now, is more than an anthology.

Much, much more.

Orange Karen: Tribute to a Warrior is a work of love, admiration and quite frankly of hope for a fellow author.

Karen DeLebar—called “Orange Karen” due to her red hair—is a writer as well.  You have NO idea how good it is to use the present tense in that phrase.

See, less than a year ago she very nearly died from Toxic Shock Syndrome.  To this day, no one knows what really caused it. But the one thing friends, family and the doctors agree on, is that Karen is still with us today because of her fighting spirit, her tenacity and her strong survival instinct.

In short—she’s a warrior woman.

She still feels the effects of her struggle to this day, and you can read the details of her recovery at her site.

KarenEveryday, this mother of two gets stronger.  Every day she survives.

But the medical bills are mounting.  And that’s where our anthology comes into play.

Thirty-nine authors and many more individuals have donated their time and their talents to build a collection of stories all written to one theme.


The writing is top tier. The editing vicious and brilliant. The artwork stunning.  This is a book I’m honored to be a part of, and encourage you all to pick up.

Because not only are the stories worth your time, but 100% of the proceeds go to pay down the medical bills of a very brave, extremely well loved woman.


Paperback (US Amazon)

Kindle eBook (Amazon)
