This evening is the “free” portion of the Readercon program. As I look back over the decade of attending this particular conference, I’m amazed at how many people I’ve met through the con and how far I’ve come as a writer.
I’ve budget for FOUR conferences in 2018–I’ve already been to Boskone and Stokercon. This month Readercon and NECON are back to back, so it boils down to one question: Will I survive the month of July?
While I gird my loins (and pray my liver will serve me has it has in the past), I am delighted to let you all know the I will be doing a LIVE broadcast for episode 78 in Salon A at the Quincy Marriott, 5 PM Friday the 13th of July. I’ll be posting loads of pictures, recordings and descriptions over the next few weeks and hope you’ll join me for this bit of my writing journey.
And never fear–I have notes on Bayou Whispers to incorporate into the manuscript in-between sipping bourbon and catching up with old friends.
It’s Thursday, 12 July and Day One at Readercon. Let’s see what happens next.