Episode 16: “Nail-Farer” by Yves Meynard

R. B. Wood

Former technologist, world traveler, & storyteller.

Host: R. B. Wood

Born in 1964 in Québec City, Yves Meynard currently lives in Orléans, Ontario. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the Université de Montréal. Since 1986, he has published over 50 SF & Fantasy short stories in both English and French, and 19 books in French. His first book in English, a fantasy novel titled The Book of Knights, came out in January 1998 from Tor Books. His second English-language book, Chrysanthe, came out in March 2012. A collection of short stories, Angels & Exiles, was published in 2015. His writing has netted him several awards, most notably the Grand Prix de la Science-Fiction et du Fantastique Québécois in 1994.
Yves was fiction editor from 1994 to 2001 for the Québécois SF magazine Solaris; he has been an anthologist for several projects, including the anthology Tesseracts5, published by Tesseract Books. He is one of the founding members of SF Canada. A Macintosh enthusiast from the instant he laid eyes on the machine, he has written several applications for the Mac and is developing more.

Né en 1964 à Québec, Yves Meynard demeure à Orléans, en banlieue d’Ottawa. Il détient un doctorat en informatique de l’Université de Montréal. Depuis 1986, il a publié plus de 50 nouvelles de science-fiction et fantastique, en anglais comme en français, et 19 livres en français. Il a également à son actif deux romans en anglais, The Book of Knights et Chrysanthe.
Yves fut directeur littéraire de la revue Solaris de 1994 à 2001, et a agi comme anthologiste pour divers projets, dont Tesseracts 5 et Escales sur Solaris. Fan du Macintosh de la première heure, il a créé plusieurs applications pour le Mac et s’affaire à en développer d’autres.