I’m barely back from Readercon and my plate is filled with literary goodness.
Besides the fifteen new books and seven new anthologies to read, I’ve been secretly working with a writerly friend as a coach to push me to get book two of The Arcana Chronicles moving. We have check-ins each week on progress and I will either publish as an Indie later this year or via a Small Press in 2017. That’s still to be determined.
As exciting as that bit of news is…there’s more.

Along with book two, the Word Count Podcast and various writing exercises to help with my recovery, I’ve just been invited to participate with eleven other Fantasy authors in a Dark Fairytales Anthology. Couldn’t be more pleased to be involved in this deliciously evil little project. A big thanks to R. L Weeks for the invite.
I’ve already selected the Fairytale my story is based on–more on that at a later date. But because I’m so late to the party, I have a lot of work to do in a short period of time. So…the release party for this dark collection is in 2 months. It’s a Facebook online global event and you are all invited. In the meantime, I’ll figure out how to fit this in without losing pace with book two.
If I don’t, my writing coach will be all kinds of pissed off. And seeing her angry is something I’d wish on anyone!
A lot to do…busy is good.