I can’t believe it’s May already! Where did the time go?
On the personal writing front, I’m working feverishly to tweak four short stories all with submission dates in the next 30 days or so. I’m plowing through all the college requirements so I can hit the fall semester running, and I’m prepping for Readercon in July.
Along with those things, life stuff (like finding mold in the house, getting that sorted, having a new roof put on and visits from my children and my father-in-law, ongoing rehab) is happening, as it does for all of us. It’s gonna be a busy rest of year.
That all being said, I’m enjoying reading the Dark Tower series by Stephen King and rereading American Gods by Neil Gaiman. And, of course, I have episodes of the #wordcountpodcast to devise.
Which brings me to the true purpose of this post. We’ll be opening up Episode 66 for submissions this weekend. But first, if you wouldn’t mind, give the show’s Facebook page a like, and get your friends to check it out as well. There are nearly 400 original stories at this point—all free for your listen pleasure, all we ask is for people to help get the word out. Click the link:
So, then. Episode 66.
I’m supplying the picture this time around. I took this off a boat in Boston harbor near Georges Island where the missus and I go a few times a year with friends.
I feel this picture has many stories to tell, so I ask out Irregulars (as well as any aspiring writers who would like to join us) for their own take on this scene. Include the month of May as well.
What happens next, dear sinners, is entirely up to you!
All submissions are welcome!
If you want to listen to past (free) shows, the links below will take you to them:
There are Sixty-five shows available right now!
DEADLINE: I must receive your submission by Friday 26 May 2017 by MIDNIGHT Eastern time.
THE DETAILS: The work must be an original story based on the picture above and the month of “May.”
Do NOT exceed SEVEN minutes.
As this is a podcast, I need to receive a file of YOU, a friend or multiple friends reading (singing or otherwise performing) your work. MP3 FORMAT ONLY, and please attach your MP3 file to an e-mail or contact me for a Dropbox link.
Your submission MUST also contain the following:
• Your pen name
• Links to your website(s) – Include your personal site, Facebook Fanpage etc.
• Your Twitter handle (if you have one)
• A photo of you I can use for the show notes
• At the end of your recording, please add “This is author of and you’re listening to The Word Count Podcast.”
• Permission to use your recording in the podcast.
• PLEASE Make sure you have included ALL ARTIFACTS I have asked for. Do not assume I can “Get your picture from the internet” or can “Pull your bio from your web page.”
Send your file to me@rbwood.com (or via the dropbox link I can provide) by 26 May 2017. You can also e-mail me with questions beforehand. I do reserve the right NOT to post your submission, but will communicate that to you should it be the case. I add the ‘Explicit’ tag to the ‘cast, so if your story uses adult themes or language that’s ok—but it should be necessary for the story.
***NOTE: I will NOT accept stories that are discriminatory in ANY WAY (whether it be by race, sexual orientation, gender, religion, etc.) or that include rape. ***