The Magical Mystery Blog Tour – 29 October



LisaStullThe heat is ON!

The Magical Mystery Blog Tour picks up a full head of steam starting with a post at L.M STULL‘s site (a letter from Symon Bryson – the protagonist of The Prodigal’s Foole)

We’ll be going around the world for the next week so make sure you stay tuned as the launch date for the first novel of The Arcana Chronicles launches in just TWO DAYS!!

The tour bus stops in Canada tomorrow with author EDEN BAYLEE who reviews TPF and posts an interview with yours truely, and on Launch day we spend time with LEAH PETERSEN for the first of three blog stops (one of which includes my return stint as a judge for #5MINUTEFICTION on Tuesday).  The bus continues on to a lovely spot ‘down under’ with Aussie author EMMETT SPAIN (a fellow Urban Fantasy writer) then spends time traversing the United States with thriller author, AL BOUDREAU, SFWA writer and poet MERCEDES M. YARDLEY and the lovely and talented writer and artist, SESSHA BATTO.

On MONDAY 31 OCTOBER (Launh day!!) I’ll be holding an internet-based “eLaunch” where I will be asking all my friends on Facebook, Twitter and around the net to help me get the word out about The Prodigal’s Foole.  On twitter, we’ll be using the hash-tag #TheProdigalsFoole as much as possible, Facebook will have links and stories, and of course the 2nd Annual HALLOWEEN PODCAST for the Word Count will be released which will include a reading from the book!

Crazy week ahead…so please head over to L.M. STULL’s site today to kick it all off!  Click HERE:’s-foole-a-letter-from-symon-bryson/

And as always, my thanks to my followers, readers and fans for all your support!
