A little book promotion for today (7 December 2011) ONLY!
Pickup a copy of The Prodigal’s Foole for your KINDLE TODAY (7 December 2011 ONLY) and if I sell TEN or more copies, I’ll be sending ONE lucky purchaser a $10 Amazon Gift certificate.
How do you enter this little holiday promotion?
1) Purchase a KINDLE version of The Prodigal’s Foole via AMAZON (The link is: http://www.amazon.com/Prodigals-Foole-Arcana-Chronicles-ebook/dp/B005WKF71U/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1323264075&sr=8-2)
2) Send me a COPY of the receipt to me@rbwood.com
3) That’s it! on 8 December I’ll announce the winner and e-mail the Gift Certificate to you!
Go. Buy. Enter to win. At the very least you have a fun read in your digital library.