Welcome to Episode 51 of “The Word Count” podcast!
The Halloween special is always my favorite show. With nearly 300 original stories logged for the last five years I know I shouldn’t play favorites—but I’ve always loved this time of year!

Probably why I lean toward the dark fantasy and horror genres in my own writing. Ah well—what’s a good story without a bit of dark magic and blood then?
Well…this time around we have 5 wonderfully dark tales (and one from me—bringing the total to six) for the season. Ghost stories—in one form or another for your listening pleasure.
But before we introduce our cadre of writers, a bit about the show:
What is The Word Count Podcast?
It is a free broadcast by writers for writers. Simply put, a theme for each show is announced via this site, Twitter and Facebook and writers are given a week or two to write AND RECORD their stories based on said theme.
Why not, says I. It’s a great way to practice writing and public speaking. It’s another way for writers to get their work “out there.” And I love to meet fellow authors and have a blast putting the show together. It’s just that simple.
Okay. Where can I find it?
You can listen to the latest podcast below, subscribe via iTunes or listen at the show’s site.
Direct: http://thewordcount.libsyn.com/webpage
iTunes (and remember, iTunes takes their sweet time in posting. If you don’t see it yet, keep trying!): http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-word-count/id392550989 |
Our guests this week:
Before taking early retirement to become a full-time writer, Bill Kirton was a lecturer in French at the University of Aberdeen. He’s written stage and radio plays, short stories, novels, skits and songs for revues, and five non-fiction books aimed at helping students with their writing and study skills. His five modern crime novels, Material Evidence, Rough Justice, The Darkness, Shadow Selves and Unsafe Acts are set in north east Scotland and his historical crime/romance novel, The Figurehead, is set in Aberdeen in 1840. The Darkness won the silver award in the mystery category of the 2011 Forward National Literature Awards and his spoof mystery, The Sparrow Conundrum, was the winner in the humor category.
He’s published a novel for children called The Loch Ewe Mystery, and his latest publication is a satirical novella about online gaming and the real and virtual worlds.
He’s had radio plays broadcast by the BBC and the Australian BC. His short stories have appeared in many anthologies, including three of the CWA’s annual collections, and one was chosen by Maxim Jakubowski for his 2010 anthology of Best British Crime Stories. It’s also been optioned by a film company in Los Angeles.
He’s been a Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow at universities in Aberdeen, Dundee and St Andrews.
Twitter: @carver22
Website & Blog: www.bill-kirton.co.uk
Cameron Garriepy “The October Garden”
An Aries, a self-described shenaniganist, and an unabashed romantic, Cameron writes romantic fiction and genre-crossing short stories from the metro-Boston area, where she lives with her husband, son, and a poorly behaved pug.
In the eighth grade, she wrote her first romance novel on an antique typewriter, using a stack of pink paper. Detours between that draft and publishing her first novel included a BA in Music from Middlebury College, a professional culinary education, and twelve years in the child-wrangling industry.
Cameron’s adventures (in flash fiction and real life) can be found on her blog. Formerly, she was an editor at Write on Edge, and she is the founder of and senior editor at Bannerwing Books.
Twitter: @camerongarriepy
Chris Smith is a semi rational being who lives with some humans and a demented cat in a town named after an ancient Irish chess piece in Ireland where the men are men and woodland creatures live in eternal fear of those men. There’s also something about a beard and maybe cake but we’re getting into the weeds here. The important thing to remember is the, em, the, oh blasted I’ve forgotten.
Ah whatever. Is it time for the Christmas decorations yet? I mean, it’s been ages since October started and Christmas comes but once a year, for like two months but who’s counting?
Anyway, Chris enjoys long walks, caffeine, the smell of petrol and taking pictures of people when they aren’t looking. He also collects hair of course.
If you would like to see him wearing people’s hair in some low res selfies taken behind peoples back when they aren’t looking, then just fill out the form below and send your submission into R.B. Wood, care of all that’s holy and pure at, me@rbwood.com (Host’s note: Don’t. Please. I beg you)
Your Best Email Address:
Telephone Number:
What’s Your Favourite Colour?:
Is “Too Much” Too Much?:
What Was Up With The Bee Gees?”
Do They Know It’s Christmas?:
Who Wears Short Shorts?:
Do You Consent To Having Your Kidneys Removed With A Spoon?:
I look forward to hearing from you all.
By the way, I like what you’ve done with your hair. Mmmmmmm.
Twitter = @KRSTVR
Web = krstvr.com
Email = krstvr.scribbler@gmail.com
Tara Tine hails from the artsy-craftsy, thought-inducing hills and mires of Ireland’s borderlands. She’s not quite sure how she got there, but she’s there now, and that’s all that matters. She has dealt in magick, music and much mulled wine, and there may have been a blog, a poem or a song or two along the way. Now, at the manifestation of a YA fantasy book series, she finds herself humbled and curious about this newly-opened doorway and the processes it has unleashed….
Stay tuned for her next adventure.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/tara9tine
Blog: https://taratineblog.wordpress.com/
R. B. Wood “The Ghost of the Loch”
R. B. Wood is a technology consultant and a writer of Urban Fantasy, Science Fiction and quite frankly anything else that strikes his fancy. His first novel, The Prodigal’s Foole, was released to critical acclaim in 2012. Mr. Wood is currently working on the second book of his Arcana Chronicles series, multiple short stories, a graphic novel and a science fiction trilogy that he dusts off every few years.
Along with his writing passion, R. B. is host of The Word Count Podcast – a show that features talent from all around the globe reading original flash-fiction stories.
R. B. currently lives in Boston with his partner, Tina, five cats and various other critters that visit from time to time.
Around the web:
Website: http://www.rbwood.com
Twitter: @rbwood
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rbwoodwriter
Eden Baylee “Grandfather Knows Best”
Eden left a twenty-year banking career to become a full-time writer. She incorporates many of her favorite things into her writing such as: travel; humor; music; poetry; art; and much more.
Stranger at Sunset is her first mystery novel, on the heels of several books of erotic anthologies and short stories. She writes in multiple genres.
An introvert by nature and an extrovert by design, Eden is most comfortable at home with her laptop surrounded by books. She is an online Scrabble junkie and a social media enthusiast, but she really needs to get out more often!
To stay apprised of Eden’s book-related news, please add your name to her mailing list.
Connect with her via her website | blog | twitter @edenbaylee | facebook