Welcome to Episode 14 of “The Word Count” podcast!
This week’s show is based on the theme “Interaction with a character of your creation with a famous fictional character.”
Links to the show:
iTunes (and remember, itunes takes their sweet time in posting. If you don’t see it yet, keep trying!): http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-word-count/id392550989
Our guests this week:

MONICA MARIER “Linus Meets Gandalf”
Monica is a caffeinated stay-at-home mom, artist, writer, composer and eccentric. Her debut novel Must Love Dragons is came out through Hunt Press September 2010. She writes a column on obesity in America for Frum Forum and draws/writes webcomics for the company she co-created: Tangent Artists. Monica lives in the D.C. Metro area with her very supportive husband, blogs at the Attack of the Muses and is also on Twitter.
Webcomics: http://www.tangentartists.com/

M. A. FINK “”The Unusual Patron”
M. A. Fink estimates he has read aloud 25,000 pages of text in his lifetime to date, on stage and in more intimate settings. He is the author of the soon-to-be-published illustrated novel The Found Diary of Avery Alexander Myer, as well as number of published poems and flash fiction pieces.
Website — http://thefounddiary.wordpress.com/ (my novel’s page)
http://onetarot.livejournal.com/ (writing/art page)
http://alternativerealism.wordpress.com/ (site that explores the themes of my novel)
Twitter handle — @onetarot

MATTHEW MUNSON “Thursday’s Life”
Matthew is a civil servant, often seen vaguely shuffling bits of paper around from one bit of his desk to the next before mumbling something about “character development” and sloping off to write – which is his first love. He’s been published in a flash fiction anthology, some medical journals and two fiction magazines. As long as people keep foolishly accepting his work, he will continue writing – you have been warned.
Website: http://www.writeordie.co.uk and http://vikingbay.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @mnwjm1981

Kadin Seton is currently writing her first novel – due out in late 2011. Having written training documents for too many years, she finally decided to break out of the mold and write material that truly inspired her.
Twitter: @kadinseton

Eden writes erotica, provocative stories incorporating all her favorite things: travel; culture; and sex. Sometimes there’s romance, sometimes not. Sometimes there’s a happy ending, sometimes not. What is consistent are the multi-dimensional characters who grow and change as the stories progress. Sex is the backdrop, but a very important element in their evolution. She left a long and distinguished career in banking to become a full-time writer. Her first book, Fall into Winter, a book of four erotic novellas, is currently available via AMAZON, Barnes & Noble, and other sites located on her website.
Website: http://www.edenbaylee.com
Twitter name: @edenbaylee
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/edenbaylee