Yes, dear friends! The Word Count Podcast RETURNS with Episode 26:
“Those last few steps seemed the most difficult I had ever made in my life.”
That’s this week’s theme, and here are the links:
iTunes (and remember, iTunes takes their sweet time in posting. If you don’t see it yet, keep trying!):
Guests this week:
Eden Baylee writes literary erotica and infuses erotic elements into many of her stories. Incorporating some of her favorite things such as travel, culture, and a deep curiosity for what turns people on, her brand of writing is both sensual and sexual.
Her latest release is a book of erotic flash fiction and poetry called HOT FLASH.
SPRING INTO SUMMER is her second collection of erotic novellas and the companion piece to her first book, FALL INTO WINTER.
Connect with her via her website | blog | twitter @edenbaylee | facebook
From his website: “ I grew up in Los Angeles, California during those heady days when kids could still trick-or-treat outside instead of walking around from store to store inside the sterile safety of shopping malls. My friends and I could run and play without any thought of being shot or kidnapped leaving riderless skateboards spinning their lonely wheels.
Though I grew up in that relatively safe environment, the nightmares still came to find me every night. Pulling the covers over my head, I welcomed them. I enjoyed reading stories of monsters and ghosts lurking in the shadows. I loved the terror and suspense of good scary movies. Constantly daydreaming that something horrible awaited me around every street corner of this beautifully manicured suburban neighborhood.
When I wasn’t reading I played music. It took over my life, though my love affair with words never strayed far from my fingers. Writing and performing provided me with the keys to an education and the ability to see the world. With incredible luck, my musical journey brought me to a gig in a dingy Irish pub near the ocean in Santa Monica where I would meet my future wife.
Even then, the nightmares continued to flow through me. I scribbled down a poem here or wrote a song there. There were ideas for stories running through my head at all times of the day or night. Eventually my wife suggested I take writing fiction more seriously, since it featured so prominently as a creative outlet for me.
My first novel “the Key to everything” was released by, Booktrope Publishing in June of 2012. In the midst of building momentum and promotions for that, I continue to write down my nightmares and those mysterious sounds coming from just behind my shoulder.”

Photo portfolios:
Kimberly Gould is the author of Thickness of Blood and the Cargon series. She is a wife and mother surviving the dark months in northern Canada and dreaming of a return to Summer.
I am an Irish male of some thirty years. I enjoy sports, more so watching others struggling than actually taking part myself. I was born in Drogheda (pronounce that ye foreign types), raised in Dundalk and am told I have a polite phone voice. Now that the pleasantries are out of the way, here’s the bit. What ever happened to the Irish horror story (not the economy that’s more of a saga)? You can’t walk ten feet in this country without being told of witches, ghouls, and zombies, dead armies rising from the turf or corpse carrying. The country has old and twisted written all over it. Howie P. Lovecraft even has an Irish ghost story. It bothers me that’s all. And what the hell is up with shiny happy vampires and werewolves? How are you supposed to be chilled to the bone by walking disco balls and teenagers turning into Saint Bernard’s? Forget it. I write things, yadda, yadda, doodle stuff or whatever. Look, all I’m saying is there’s a lot of ripe nastiness in Ol’ Eire and it wouldn’t hurt for the odd Éireannach or –insert preferred demonym here- to scribble down a story that doesn’t take place in Montana, or Washington. We have plenty of sociopath’s right here. Pipe bomb manufacturing was almost on last year’s syllabus for five to twelve year olds and smack is a national past time. Christ I’m ranting.There once was a fella from LouthOf this verse he isn’t so proudBut to cover his rantAnd to glean a second chanceHe dumped a limerick over the mess like a shroud I am also quite professional. Even if I did waste a perfectly good opportunity to write a totally obscene smirk begetting limerick. Balls.
Twitter = @KRSTVR
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“Apparently, when I was a baby, I whistled clear as day while in the waiting room of a doctor’s office. Everyone stared. But I think that’s just a story.
I took interest in the piano at 18 months and started singing by the age of 5. I wrote my first song that was any good (that I recall,) at the age of 8. That one song started it all. I fell in love with the classic singers and the new songwriters. I learned to play piano, harp, guitar, ukelele and auxiliary percussion. I love everyone from Ella Fitzgerald to Frank Sinatra, Carly Simon to Billy Joel, Tori Amos to VAST to Adele. I love those that express their emotions and soul through their music, like me. I graduated in 2010 from a major music conservatory with an unofficial composition minor, fighting the system the whole way. I also traveled the world as a little harpist child-diva, but that’s another life and story. For more info, see my website.
I write a lot: words and music. Just whatever comes to me. I have some novels in the works, which sometimes creeps into my songwriting (like with “Lullaby”.) I have also been involved with theater so my music can get very dramatic and cinematic sounding. In writing news, my fantasy YA novel is with an editor and on its way to agents.
These days, I’m working on my debut album “Lock and Key”, and singing pop and jazz music around town to try and make my mark on the world. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Oh, and I totally support indie musicians and authors. To prove it, listen to my exclusive version of my newest track, “Lullaby” on the Word Count Podcast.
If you’d like to support an indie musician, please download my single “Beautiful Lies”. All profits go towards my album!”
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