Welcome to Episode 34 of “The Word Count” podcast!
Only three submissions this week—but good stories one and all. What was the theme for our “Word Count Irregulars?”
The Oracle smiled and said “Ah. I have been waiting for you…”
Gotta HATE it when that happens. There IS No spoon…
Before we introduce our writers, a bit about the show:
What is The Word Count Podcast?
It is a free broadcast by writers for writers. Simply put, a theme for each show is announced via this site, Twitter and Facebook and writers are given a week or two to write AND RECORD their stories based on said theme.
Why not, says I. It’s a great way to practice writing and public speaking. It’s another way for writers to get their work “out there.” And I love to meet fellow authors and have a blast putting the show together. It’s just that simple.
Okay. Where can I find it?
You can listen to the latest podcast below, subscribe via iTunes or listen at the show’s site.
Direct: http://thewordcount.libsyn.com/webpage
iTunes (and remember, iTunes takes their sweet time in posting. If you don’t see it yet, keep trying!): http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-word-count/id392550989 |
Our guests this week:
C. Thomas Smith “Prophesy”
Chris Smith is the lovable and cuddly author of such children’s classics as:
“Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitters a Nazi”
“101 Ways to Get Rid Of the Evidence”
“Crack Lab for Kids”
“Crack Lab for Kids II; Crack for Profit Bitches”
“101 Excuses for Mutilating Family Pets”
“The Lion the Witch & the Basement Full Of Dead Kids”
“How to Get By On a Budget; the Really Big Book of Stealing Shit”
& the ever popular,
“This Is Not My Poop”
I wrote this episodes piece while high on fish flakes & things I could catch with sticky tape. For some reason this tale seems to Rhyme. It’s as if I planned it that way, like I’m a modern day Tupac, or lesser Ghostface Killah. I also decided this time to try and write something funny, hence the hideous deaths of children and an oblique reference to a baby being used like a hacky sack. You’re welcome.
Other Titles in the Kids Classic Range;
“All Mommies & Daddies Fight, & It’s Your Fault!”
“Less Than Great Expectations”
“Tomato Is A Fruit You Stupid Child”
“So You Wanna Work In Porn”
“This Is Why Daddy Should‘a Had His Nuts Removed”
“How to Recycle Your Crack Pipe”
“Hungry, Hungry, Hobo”
“Five Children & A Hobo”
“Bi-Curious George”
Twitter: @KRSTVR
Web: krstvr.com
Will Davidson “An Answer in the Smoke”
Will Davidson is a full-time lawyer and a full-time husband and father of two. This doesn’t leave much time to be even a part-time writer but he is doing his best. He has had many non-fiction articles published in his professional life but has recently felt the overwhelming urge to start to tell fictional tales from the realm of Askuria. His debut novel, The Seventh Colour, has been undergoing a final polish now for almost a year and when the gleam becomes unbearable it will eventually be released into the wider world.
Twitter: @WordDruid
Web: http://www.wordhenge.co.uk/wd/blog
Eden Baylee “Awaiting my Religion”
Eden Baylee writes literary erotica and infuses erotic elements into many of her stories. Incorporating some of her favorite things such as travel, culture, and a deep curiosity for what turns people on, her brand of writing is both sensual and sexual.
Her latest release is a book of erotic flash fiction and poetry called HOT FLASH.
SPRING INTO SUMMER is her second collection of erotic novellas and the companion piece to her first book, FALL INTO WINTER.
Connect with her via her website | blog | twitter @edenbaylee | facebook