NaNoWriMo – Day 7

R. B. Wood

Former technologist, world traveler, & storyteller.

Starting Word Count: 12411

sleepSorry for posting a bit later this morning.  Last night was a late one and my darling wife let me sleep in a bit this morning. Many people use the weekends to “catch up” on their word count. And I’m now a couple thousand words behind.  I really want to get to 20k words by Sunday night.  However, as planned, I have a bit of a research day ahead.

The weather in Boston has been amazing for November–73 Degrees (23C for you more metric minded folks) yesterday.  It’ll be a bit cooler today, but still warm enough to head into town to do some location scouting. I want to take some photos and check out a few spots I’ve written about already. I’m also riding the rails for an upcoming scene that I’ll be working on tomorrow that takes place on the “T” (The Boston rail system). A conversation is planned with a rather obsessed man who loves trains, specifically Boston area trains. He’s even going to try and get me into one of the old abandoned stations to research a pivotal scene for The Lost Empress.

The only scene worth watching in "The Lone Ranger"
The only scene worth watching in “The Lone Ranger”

Going to be a busy day.  For all you fellow NaNoWriMos–keep writing!