This July, I’m hosting what is becoming a bit of a tradition. A 250 word blog tour, and I’m looking for fellow Indie Writers to participate!
What’s the topic?
“From the Front Lines: Author’s of the 21st Century.”
Your experiences about being a writer, author or blogger (aren’t they sorta the same?) in this day and age.
Want to write about your querying experiences? Perfect! A post on social media? Go for it! A commentary on the ebook revolution? Write it up!
Spaces are filling up for this July, but I really want to fill the entire month (except for my ReaderCON jaunt the 13-15 of the month where I will be ‘semi-live’ streaming the event) with the remunerations of my colleagues.
So what are the details? Glad you asked:
RBWood’s annual blog-o-rama
Topic: “From the Front Lines: Author’s of the 21st Century.”
Length: 250 words or there-abouts
Sub-topic: YOU choose!
I’ll need your articles, a photo and your bio as quick as you can get it to me. I’d like to publish the full schedule next week.
If you want to play, sent me an e-mail right away to ME@RBWOOD.COM with a few dates you’d prefer (if any preference), the subject of your article based on the topic and when you can get me the article, your bio and pic.
Looking forward to some fun!