Podcast Schedule March 2023
1 MAR: Post this schedule and prompt for MARCH (Submissions re-opened)
The Prompt for APRIL is: STORM
3 MAR: Episode 9 – Eden Bailey “Life in the Air”
10 MAR: Episode 10 – Kristi Petersen Schoonover “It Can’t Rain All the Time”
17 MAR: Episode 11 – ****SPECIAL GUEST****
24 MAR: Episode 12 – Jason McIntyre “Train Car Six”
31 MAR: Episode 13 – Andrew Butters “The Prophecy”
- Stories are to be YOUR work of original, not-previously-published flash fiction of between 750-1000 words FIRM
- Once the prompt for the month is released (on the 1st of the previous month) You will have either 30 days or until the number of accepted stories for the month has been reached.
- Submissions are to be in MANUSCRIPT FORMAT (if you aren’t sure, here is the wiki page on standard manuscript formatting)
- Submissions are to be e-mailed to submissions <at> suddenfictions <dot> com
- Once your story has been selected, you will be asked for a bio, photo and PAYPAL E-MAIL address. Right now we are paying $25.00 USD per accepted story.
- NO stories about rape or child abuse will be accepted. I have a hard time with violence agains women/children/minorities in general. Don’t test me.
- These guidelines will be posted each month under “Events.” The latest post has the latest version of the guidelines