It’s Been A While…

R. B. Wood

Former technologist, world traveler, & storyteller.

West of Hell scaledThings are beginning to pick up in the writing world again!

In ten days, Crystal Lake Publishing will release my Novella The Trickster of Paradise. I’m honored to be in a weird western collection with the talents of James A. Moore and Michael Burke. The collection is called “West of Hell,” and it is the second in CLP’s new Dark Tide series. Early reviews have been great, and the prerelease is already climbing the Amazon charts.

A couple more announcements are forthcoming.


Earlier in the summer, I attended my first in-person convention since Covid…it was truly fantastic to get out of the house and see people I haven’t been able to hug in over two years. I Sat down for over ninety minutes with the great joe Landsdale and he was an absolute blast to hang out with and hear his stories. I love being around people in this industry who have a passion for the storytelling arts…and his Jonax Hex comic series may have been an influence on my weird western novella.

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I’m looking to work on a new show with the last episode of the Word Count Podcast long since in the can. I’ve been kicking around a few ideas and will hopefully have an update on them in the fall or early winter. In the meantime, there has been some “writer-adjacent” stuff happening in the background that I can’t chat about yet. Maybe soon, if the stars align.

Finally, the next Novel in the Psalms of the Arcana series is taking shape. I’m nearly 30k words in at this point and expect to have it finished by 2023.

There is, as always, a lot going on, and I’ve missed you guys so much! I hope you all are well, and I’m making a renewed effort to post here more often. The spooky season approaches, and I’ll be at the Merrimack Halloween Book Festival in Haverhill, Massachusetts, next month. More on that soon!

Peace, love, and hair grease!



(Photo by Tony Tremblay)