Boys, hang on to your significant other, because it’s time for four fighting tales of twisted All Hallow’s Eve fun.
Girls, you’re fine. Take care of the boys. You know how fragile they can be.
I SO love this time of year! The wife and I are binge-watching American Horror Story to get into the mood. We are up to Season five (and although I miss Jessica Lange, there is a possibility I’m infatuated with Lady Gaga as the Countess. But I digress).

Six years, six Halloween specials. This years show is far more intimate and disturbing. I like it. No fanfare, no special effects. Just four tales for your listening pleasure.
Welcome, dear sinners, to episode 61 the #WordCountPodcast – the most creepy Halloween special!
What is The Word Count Podcast?
It is a free broadcast by writers for writers. Simply put, a theme for each show is announced via this site, Twitter and Facebook and writers are given a week or two to write AND RECORD their stories based on said theme.
Why not, says I. It’s a great way to practice writing and public speaking. It’s another way for writers to get their work “out there.” And I love to meet fellow authors and have a blast putting the show together. It’s just that simple.
Okay. Where can I find it?
You can listen to the latest podcast below, subscribe via iTunes or listen at the show’s site.
Our guests this week:
C. Thomas Smith is the author of hundreds of short stories (99% have never left his hard drive) and half a dozen unpublished novels (50% cowardice / 50% self-doubt). He is a fan of common sense, free speech, noticing the truth in the absurd and caffeine. He sort of likes cats. He lives in Ireland with his partner, two children, a mortgage and a cat he doesn’t trust.
At present, Chris is writing a series of novels (adult dark comedy set in medieval Ireland that may include a token Leprechaun) and editing a second series (Dark Fantasy). Along the way he hopes not to starve to death or be mauled in his sleep by a shifty eyed cat.
Twitter = @KRSTVR
Web =
Maria Haskins is a Swedish-Canadian writer and translator with a passion for science fiction and fantasy. She was born and grew up in Sweden, but moved to Canada in the early 1990s and now lives just outside Vancouver with a husband, two kids, and a large black dog. Maria debuted as a writer in Sweden, and has had several books published there. Her English language debut Odin’s Eye – a collection of science fiction short-stories – was published in March, 2015. Cuts & Collected Poems 1989 – 2015 – a collection of poetry – was released in November, 2015.
Matthew is a writer, a geek, disability advocate, a trustee, a marathon walker and a photographer. He’s written two contemporary fantasy novels published through Inspired Quill, is currently finishing off a serial crime novella for an online audience, is writing the first in a series of non-fiction books on disabilities, and has been appointed to the diversity panel of a new UK-based publisher. Life is good, although there could be more chocolate.
Twitter: @mnwjm1981
Websites: or
Rob Edwards “A Lesson in Feldok”
Rob Edwards is a British born writer and podcaster, currently living in Finland. His podcast, StorycastRob, features readings from his short stories and excerpts from longer work. His work can also be found in the anthologies *Tales from the Universe* and the forthcoming *Tales from Alternate Earths*, published in Kindle format by Inklings Press.
His greatest geek pride is his entry on wookieepedia, the a result of
writing several Star Wars RPG scenarios back in the day.
Rob is currently working on a YA novel featuring superheroes in space.
Twitter: @storycastrob