Welcome to Episode 30 of “The Word Count” podcast!
This is a very special ‘cast in which featured are teasers and stories from the ORANGE KAREN: TRIBUTE TO A WARRIOR anthology!
Pick it up TODAY at AMAZON
From the book’s jacket:
Get swept off your feet by an Internet romance
Escape from a war-torn encampment with a mystical healer/princess
Witness the murder of a NASCAR driver in the bathroom of local Home Depot
Join Miss Della and Chip as they find friendship and a new zest for life in their golden years
ORANGE KAREN: TRIBUTE TO A WARRIOR is a collection of 39 stories that explore the strength and resilience of the human spirit. From the monster in the basement to the teddy bear on a young woman’s pillow, each story uses the colour orange as a thematic element, revealing the power of love, friendship, and the will to live.
Karen DeLabar is a friend, author, and mother. In June of 2012, she was stricken with Toxic Shock Syndrome.
One hundred percent of the proceeds from the anthology will be donated to Karen and her family, to assist with her medical expenses, and ongoing recovery.
Follow Karen’s story at www.karendelabar.com, and learn more about the symptoms, effects, and treatment of Toxic Shock Syndrome at http://toxicshock.com
Acknowledgements by Christina Esdon
Foreword by JenniferGracen
Introduction by Karen DeLabar
But before we introduce our contributors from the anthology, a bit about the show:
What is The Word Count Podcast?
It is a free broadcast by writers for writers. Simply put, a theme for each show is announced via this site, Twitter and Facebook and writers are given a week or two to write AND RECORD their stories based on said theme.
Why not, says I. It’s a great way to practice writing and public speaking. It’s another way for writers to get their work “out there.” And I love to meet fellow authors and have a blast putting the show together. It’s just that simple.
Okay. Where can I find it?
You can listen to the latest podcast below, subscribe via iTunes or listen at the show’s site.
Direct: http://thewordcount.libsyn.com/webpage
iTunes (and remember, iTunes takes their sweet time in posting. If you don’t see it yet, keep trying!): http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/the-word-count/id392550989 |
Our guests this week:
Karen DeLabar
Karen DeLabar is currently a stay at home mom who is working on her paranormal romance/urban fantasy in between diaper changes and nap times. When not reminding her daughters not to lift their skirts up over their heads in public, she can be found on Twitter conversing with like-minded dreamers or knocking back a Scotch with a good book.
Website (To learn all about what she went through and to meet the woman herself):
Our Author Guests:
D. Savannah George
D. Savannah George is a proud member of #TeamOrange and believes strongly in the power of community and the written word. She has been writing since she could hold a pen (or crayon, she can’t remember which) and is a multi-disciplinary artist – she also paints, crochets, takes photographs, and makes beaded jewelry, bookmarks, and notecards. She also serves as an editor for authors and several small publishers. D. Savannah currently lives in Georgia – either on the coast or in the big city of Atlanta – with her husband, dog, turtle, two cats, and a ton of art and art supplies.
website: http://www.dsavannah.com
blog: http://www.dsavannah.com/blog/
twitter: http://www.twitter.com/davannahcreate
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dsavannahcreative
online art store: http://www.dsavannahcreative.artfire.com
goodreads: www.goodreads.com/author/show/6883909.D_Savannah_George
Gareth S. Young
Gareth S. Young was born and raised in Scotland. He packed up his kilt and moved to the United States and now does much the same as he did in Scotland only people think his accent is way cooler.
In 2010, he self-published his first full length story, a mystery/suspense novel called Monsters. In April 2013, he will have his first short story published in the “Orange Karen” anthology. In the meantime he is hard at work on his second novel, Persephone, which he intends on querying to agents.
Website (blog): http://1000trillionsuns.blogspot.com/
Facebook Author Page: https://www.facebook.com/GarethSYoungAuthor
Twitter: @Spartagus
Valerie Haight
Valerie Haight is a short story writer and contemporary suspense and romance novelist. She is a member of Ozarks Writer’s League through College of the Ozarks in Hollister, MO where she placed first in the 2012 OWL Flash Fiction Contest.
Her first novella, HAPPENSTANCE, released December 13, 2012 from Turquoise Morning Press. Her short story, MAGNOLIA BRIDES, was chosen for Turquoise Morning Press’s “The Wedding Day Collection Anthology” coming in June of this year.
Blog: http://thewriteoneval.blogspot.com
Facebook author page: facebook.com/vhaightauthor
Twitter: @Valeriebrbr
Andrew F. Butters
Andrew F. Butters lives in Cambridge, Ontario with his wife and two children. He loves hockey, skiing, curling, golf, and all things Canadian. When not on daddy duty, he can be found working for a software company as a project manager, singing as part of the band Argyle Speedo, taking pictures of things that look like letters for Andrew’s Alphabet, blogging at Potato Chip Math, and writing his first novel.
Website: http://potatochipmath.com
Facebook: http://facebook.com/authorandrewbutters
Twitter: @andrewbutters
Stephanie Fuller
Stephanie Fuller is an avid crafter (crochet and scrapbooking) and the creator of The Book Hipster Blog. She resides in the Chicagoland area with her husband and daughter. She has no published works to date, but has big dreams. This is only the beginning.
Website Links: Blog – thebookhipster.com
Facebook Page – http://www.facebook.com/TheBookHipster
Twitter: @ImaFuller
Alex Kimmel
From his website:
“I grew up in Los Angeles, California during those heady days when kids could still trick-or-treat outside instead of walking around from store to store inside the sterile safety of shopping malls. My friends and I could run and play without any thought of being shot or kidnapped leaving riderless skateboards spinning their lonely wheels.
Though I grew up in that relatively safe environment, the nightmares still came to find me every night. Pulling the covers over my head, I welcomed them. I enjoyed reading stories of monsters and ghosts lurking in the shadows. I loved the terror and suspense of good scary movies. Constantly daydreaming that something horrible awaited me around every street corner of this beautifully manicured suburban neighborhood.
When I wasn’t reading I played music. It took over my life, though my love affair with words never strayed far from my fingers. Writing and performing provided me with the keys to an education and the ability to see the world. With incredible luck, my musical journey brought me to a gig in a dingy Irish pub near the ocean in Santa Monica where I would meet my future wife.
Even then, the nightmares continued to flow through me. I scribbled down a poem here or wrote a song there. There were ideas for stories running through my head at all times of the day or night. Eventually my wife suggested I take writing fiction more seriously, since it featured so prominently as a creative outlet for me.
My first novel “the Key to everything” was released by, Booktrope Publishing in June of 2012. In the midst of building momentum and promotions for that, I continue to write down my nightmares and those mysterious sounds coming from just behind my shoulder.”
Website: http://www.alexkimmell.weebly.com
Twitter: @alexkimmellauth
John Moore Walker
John majored in Photography until he decided to tell stories instead of show them. He lives with his wife and animals in Austin, TX.
Website: johnmoorewalker.wordpress.com
Facebook: facebook.com/johnmoorewalker
Twitter: @johnmoorewalker